Processing and security of personal data

When you make a booking to stay at Recreational park De Koevoet, we need certain data from you. We also process data in other cases, such as information requests and when visiting our websites.

Below is a more detailed description of which data we process and what we do with it.


What do we want to know about you?

Surname, first name and gender
We would like to use your personal data to address you personally in our further communication. These data are obviously also required to register your booking and include the data in the night registration.

Address and place of residence
We send most of the booking data to you by e-mail. However, we may need to send some information to your home address.

Telephone number
We may need to contact you about your booking.

E-mail address
You will receive an e-mail about your reservation, invoice and bookings. Newsletters will also be sent to you by e-mail. If you prefer not to receive newsletters and offers, you can easily unsubscribe via the link in the newsletter.

IP address
We may look at your IP address on the internet.



Furthermore, we use your information for the following

Your data will be forwarded to organisations that perform activities in connection with your booking. For example the insurance company if you have taken out travel or cancellation insurance.

You may receive newsletters and other offers from us. Their content is based on your interests and past bookings, and in some cases on information from other companies. If you prefer not to receive newsletters and offers, you can always unsubscribe via the link in the newsletter. You can also let us know by sending a note to: Recreatiebedrijf De Koevoet B.V., Troelstraweg 17, 8524 DK Teroele, The Netherlands or by sending an e-mail.

Night registration
When you stay at De Koevoet you are required to fill in a night registration form. This can sometimes be in digital format. Your data and those of your travel party are processed for the municipality in which the park is located, for example in the event of an emergency. The data may be processed in our systems.

Required data
Sometimes we use guest data to investigate, prevent and counter fraud. Under certain circumstances, we are required to provide personal data to relevant agencies. In connection with (international) sanctions legislation, under certain circumstances we may also share your data with, for example, financial institutions.

Contact, inspection, change or deletion of data and complaints

Upon request, we will indicate whether we are processing your personal data. Additionally, you may request, correct, supplement, delete or block these data under certain circumstances, for example, if they are factually incorrect. This might result in you no longer being able to make use of (part of) our services. You can contact us via Contact.

If you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data, you can also contact the relevant public authority (Dutch Data Protection Authority). 

Retention periods
We will retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this document. However, based on legislation, we may need to keep the data for a longer period.

Legal bases
Based on legislation, we must indicate what legal bases are used to process your personal data. This particularly concerns data processing based on 1) an agreement, 2) in connection with a legitimate interest of Recreational Park De Koevoet, 3) permission that has been given and 4) in connection with a statutory duty. 

We use your information mainly in connection with your booking and therefore based on an agreement with you. Your booking will be registered and we will do everything possible to make your stay as pleasant as possible. Additional contact moments, such as reviews, marketing activities, and the registration and analysis of your actions will take place in connection with a legitimate interest of Recreational Park De Koevoet. You can also sign up for a newsletter. By doing so, you are giving us permission to use your data for this purpose. Additionally, we are legally required to include your data in the night registration.

Security of data
We use extensive security procedures to secure the personal data we process, for instance to prevent unauthorised access to this data.

Recreational Park De Koevoet reserves the right to make changes to the privacy notice. We therefore recommend that you check the privacy notice for an update on a regular basis.