Veel speelruimte voor de kinderen

Three-room apartments

Three-room apartments

De Koevoet has five three-room apartments, suitable for 5-6 persons.

Apartments 3, 4 and 5 are situated on the south side of the farmhouse, with views of the fields and water.

Look at apartment 3

Look at apartment 4

Look at apartment 5

2016-04-22 14.33.06 (2).jpg IMG_0166.JPG Uitzicht over weide en water

Apartments 7 and 8 are situated at the back (west side) of the farmhouse and have views of the marina and the lake.

Look at apartment 7

Look at apartment 8

Book a three-room apartement

Appartement 8 Uitzicht over haven en meer Veel ruimte om te ontspannen en te spelen